Elegance News

New Instagram account @studio_elegance_muenchen
We have expanded our social media presence and are now also on Instagram.
We regularly post inspiring pictures and videos on our account.
We are happy to fill this profile with lots of pictures and impressions.
It's best to stop by now so you don't miss any more posts!
See you soon on Instagram!

Open Door 2024
Exciting, funny and informative through BDSM STUDIO ELEGANCE
With the “Open Door 2024” event we want to break down prejudices. The “Open Day” is intended to present itself to the public and improve the image of the sex industry and erotic services, as the industry is characterized by prejudice, a lack of knowledge and scandal.
Date: 02.06.24
Time: 14.00 Uhr – 17.00 Uhr
Location: BDSM STUDIO ELEGANCE, Frankfurter Ring 139, 80807 München
2 p.m. Visit
On the open day, visitors can view all SM apartments and rooms in the dominatrix studio.
We want to show Munich residents and interested visitors that the BDSM STUDIO has “nothing to do with sleaze”.
But it's not just about presenting the equipment, it also talks about hygiene, safety measures and general information about working in the SM area.
3:00 p.m. Meeting with dominatrixes & their customers
After the tour through the rooms of the dominatrix studio, we invite you to coffee and cake.
In the relaxed atmosphere, sex workers answer visitors' questions. Dominatrixes talk about their work. They hope that the profession will continue to be recognized and that their rights will be strengthened.
The studio’s clients/guests are also invited. They present their opinion on the ban on purchasing sex.
The current discussion about the introduction of a so-called “Nordic model” or ban on purchasing sex is causing fear in the industry. This applies equally to sex workers, their customers and the studio operators. A look behind the scenes will certainly give visitors a lot of information that a Nordic model is absolutely not necessary in Germany.

New air conditioners in Studio Elegance
Now all ELEGANCE rooms are air-conditioned!
15 air conditioners are in use! Existing air conditioning systems have separate outdoor units to prevent exciter transmission.
We installed several air conditioners in Studio ELEGANCE. This applies to the following areas: Domina Studio Elegance, VIP Lounge Elegance as well as the SM apartments on the 2nd floor Gold and Red!
That's how easy it is to play cool again, even in the greatest heat.
Germany is groaning under an unbearable heat wave, but here you only groan out of lust.

Bild Zeitung – VIP Lounge ELEGANCE
On March 13, 2023, the Bild newspaper published an article (page 12) about the VIP Lounge Elegance.
Bild Zeitung described our rental location as "Germany's most captivating holiday home".
Our VIP Lounge ELEGANCE was able to convince me of the unique ambience, Fifty Shades of Gray feeling and feel-good atmosphere.

We present you the new website of SM Apartments ELEGANCE! There you will find an overview of the occupancy and you can book/pay directly for the selected location.
The BDSM rental locations ELEGANCE are available for couples or groups. The SM rental studio's ELEGANCE can not only be rented by couples, but also by the guests of the house ELEGANCE and of course including the lady of their choice.
We hope you enjoy reading and look forward to your visit.
You can find more information about SM APARTMENTS ELEGANCE at:
SM Apartments ELEGANCE - BDSM Suits - Munich (sm-apartments-elegance.de)